- Image by stallkerl via Flickr
Awesome Reddit thread on untranslatable phrases from languages other than English. The Afrikaans ones are particularly great:
Which translates to “Saltcock”, implying that they have one leg in England, one leg in South Africa, and their dick is dangling in the ocean.
Some Irish Gaelic ones:
- Scaoil amach do bhoibilín – Go for it (literally: set your glans free).
- Is dócha nach bhfuil seans ar bith ann – Would sir/madam like to engage in a copulatory ritual (literally: I suppose there’s no chance of it?)
- Ag deanamh neamhshuim – To engage in the act of excretion (literally: making bad jam)
Sidenote: Scaoil Amach an Bobailín was an Irish language youth show that ran from 1990 to 1993. Someone at RTÉ missed out on the literal translation.
(via Waxy Links)