Owing to my rapidly deteriorating memory I’m going to compress both the promised gig reviews (Elbow and Frank Black and the Catholics) into one. This is partly because I need to get them out before the memories become another figment of my imagination and partly because I can’t remember enough to pad out two entries.
Elbow were really very good. I was expecting big things since I’d already heard they played a storming gig in Sheffield and I have to say I wasn’t disappointed. The fact that I hadn’t heard any of their songs before didn’t matter as I was carried away by the whole performance.The band were very good natured and joked along with the crowd and I left the Junction a very happy bunny.
Frank Black was also very good. I’d only ever heard one Pixies album before (Bossanova) and though I liked it, I’m well aware that solo artists can be nothing like the band they’d come from. I was glad to be proved wrong. They played an absolutely stonking set, including several songs from Bossanova, and I yet again got carried away forgetting where I was. The set ended with some solo stuff that was a little bit rock and a little bit country and it sounded smashing. We left the Junction in high spirits and were amazed to see Frank Black himself cycling around the car park on a little shopper bike. C & T were well oiled and decided to shout at him in very strange ways. Thankfully the taxi came soon after and I got to escape before any serious damage was done.