Rumours of my demise…

I’m not dead. I’ve been back home in Dublin for the past week as I have to be in the bosom of my loving family every Christmas or the Air Corp would be sent to rescue me. So for it hasn’t been the Bachanalian orgy of wine and turkey that it normally is, rather a sedate, sensible drinking, a fair amount of food, and lots of telly watching.

Obviously it goes without saying that The Christmas Invasion was the highlight of Christmas Day and, having watched it a number of times, I think that David Tennant is going to be even better than Christopher Ecclestone.

Time to brave the Winter Sales now so happy Christmas to those of you who haven’t had it wished you and see you in 2006.

Kinky Serenity

A while ago I sawKinky Boots, a very British comedy set in the north of England about a shoe factory saved from bankruptcy by changing their product line from quality mens’ brogues to womens’ boots that could hold the weight of a man for transvestites.

While the film was very simple and had some quite sweet moments, it was made all the more odd because the transvestite in question was played byChitwetel Ejiofor, who had previously played the Central government assassin inSerenity.

It’s not every day where you see someone as an assassin one week and a very convincing transvestite the next.

As if that weren’t strange enough, Stephen Hawking was in the front row and appeared the enjoy the movie quite a lot.

Only in Cambridge.